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An outdoor, community-based occupational therapy practice dedicated to helping children reach their full potential through the power of nature play. We provide engaging, nature-centered therapy that supports children with sensory challenges, emotional regulation, social skills and motor coordination.

Occupational Therapy

Climbing Higher Growing Stronger

Is your child struggling with things that seem easy for others?

Such as:  
- Getting along with peers or making friends  
- Moving through spaces smoothly or coordinating tasks such as tying shoes 
- Making their own decisions  
- Managing emotions and bouncing back from challenges  
- Trying new things  
- Staying focused or paying attention  

If you and your child are feeling frustrated, you're not alone. We’re here to support them in becoming more confident, connected, and calm, helping them develop the skills they need to thrive.

Schedule a 15-minute consult call today! 
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